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Proceedings of ICACTCE'23 ー The International Conference on Advances in Communication Technology and Computer Engineering New Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things Based Perspective and Solutions【電子書籍】 Proceedings of ICACTCE'23 ー The International Conference on Advances in Communication Technology and Computer Engineering New Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things Based Perspective and Solutions【電子書籍】
36,464円(税込) レビュー0(平均0)

洋書 imusti Paperback, Why Beliefs Matter: Reflections On The Nature Of Science 洋書 imusti Paperback, Why Beliefs Matter: Reflections On The Nature Of Science
9,222円(税込) レビュー0(平均0)

Ten Successful Ways to Keep Windows Secure: The Windows Maintenance Guide【電子書籍】[ John Monyjok Maluth ] Ten Successful Ways to Keep Windows Secure: The Windows Maintenance Guide【電子書籍】[ John Monyjok Maluth ]
152円(税込) レビュー0(平均0)

Hunting Tales from The Mountains of New Mexico【電子書籍】[ Robert L. Runnels ] Hunting Tales from The Mountains of New Mexico【電子書籍】[ Robert L. Runnels ]
572円(税込) レビュー0(平均0)

GraphITA Selected papers from the Workshop on Synthesis, Characterization and Technological Exploitation of Graphene and 2D Materials Beyond Graphene【電子書籍】 GraphITA Selected papers from the Workshop on Synthesis, Characterization and Technological Exploitation of Graphene and 2D Materials Beyond Graphene【電子書籍】
13,978円(税込) レビュー0(平均0)

Recent Advances in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation【電子書籍】 Recent Advances in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation【電子書籍】
12,154円(税込) レビュー0(平均0)

Braving the Storm: A Year Battling Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)【電子書籍】[ Chris Hall ] Braving the Storm: A Year Battling Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)【電子書籍】[ Chris Hall ]
572円(税込) レビュー0(平均0)

洋書 Cyber Self-Defense: Expert Advice to Avoid Online Predators, Identity Theft, and Cyberbullying 洋書 Cyber Self-Defense: Expert Advice to Avoid Online Predators, Identity Theft, and Cyberbullying
5,546円(税込) レビュー0(平均0)

Vanishing Sands Losing Beaches to Mining【電子書籍】[ Orrin H. Pilkey ] Vanishing Sands Losing Beaches to Mining【電子書籍】[ Orrin H. Pilkey ]
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Complete Chemistry for Cambridge International as and a Level: Student Book with Access Code Card Th COMP CHEMISTRY FOR CAMBRIDGE I [ Gardom Hulme ] Complete Chemistry for Cambridge International as and a Level: Student Book with Access Code Card Th COMP CHEMISTRY FOR CAMBRIDGE I [ Gardom Hulme ]
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