【輸入盤DVD】【新品】Nikki Yanofsky / Nikki Yanofsky: Live in Montreal
種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Jazz Music Video (Concert/Performance)発売日:2010/6/1公開年:2010出演者:Nikki Yanofskyアーティスト:Nikki Yanofsky収録曲目:1.1 The Wind Cries Mary1.2 Cool My Heels1.3 Airmail Special1.4 First Lady1.5 Never Make It on Time1.6 Ooh Child1.7 For Another Day1.8 Love's in Need of Love Today1.9 Over the Rainbow1.10 Lullaby of Birdland1.11 On the Sunny Side of the Street/Fool in the Rain1.12 Old MacDonald1.13 You Haven't Done Nothin'1.14 Muddy Water1.15 God Bless the Child1.16 Take the "A" Train1.17 New to Me1.18 Everything I've Got1.19 You'll Have to Swing It (MR. Paganini)1.20 Thinking of Someone1.21 The Circle Game1.22 I Got Rhythmディスク枚数:1コメント:Millions of people first saw 16-year-old singer Nikki Yanofsky when she performed the Olympics theme song, "I Believe," during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 games in Vancouver. To Canadian audiences, however, Nikki is already a famous and accomplished singer. In this new special, shot at the Mercure Theatre in Montreal, viewers will experience her unique blend of Jazz, classic Pop and original songs.
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