
【輸入盤DVD】【新品】【0】Leonardo / Ao Vivo

【輸入盤DVD】【新品】【0】Leonardo / Ao Vivo
種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Musicals (Theatrical)発売日:2000/1/12収録曲目:1.1 Abertura Pot-Pourri Jovem Guarda1.2 Um Sonhador1.3 Temporal de Amor1.4 Dia de Rodeio1.5 Amor Dividido1.6 Mentira Que Virou Paixao1.7 Entre Tapas E Beijos1.8 Eu Juro (I Swear)1.9 Mano1.10 Deu Medo1.11 Desculpe, Mas Eu Vou Chorar1.12 Nao Aprendi a Dizer Adeus1.13 India (India)1.14 Pense Em Mim1.15 Cerveja1.16 Festa de Rodeio1.17 Cumade E Cumpade1.18 I'll Go on Loving You (Vou Seguir Te Amando) (Videoclipe)1.19 Mentira Que Virou Paixao (Videoclipe)1.20 Making of Do Show2.8 Cerveja2.9 Festa de Rodeio2.10 Cumade E Cumpadeディスク枚数:1コメント:NTSC. Dolby Digital 5.1. Recorded live at the Olympia theater in Sao Paulo on September 1999. This DVD presents all the greatest hits that made Leonardo become a great name on romantic Sertanejo scene and several greatest hits from his duo career with his late brother Leandro.

3,790円(税込) 送料別 詳細・購入はこちら
