
【輸入盤DVD】【新品】Waikiki Wedding

【輸入盤DVD】【新品】Waikiki Wedding
種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Musicals (Theatrical)Comedy Video発売日:2014/7/1収録分数:89公開年:1937出演者:Bing Crosby, Bob Burns, Martha Raye, Shirley Ross, George Barbier, Leif Erikson, Grady Sutton, Granville Bates, Anthony Quinn, Mitchell Lewis, George Regas, Nick Lukats, Prince Lei Lani, Maurice Liu, Raquel Echeverria, Iris Yamaoka, Wafford the pig, Lotus Liu, Nalani De Clercq, Kuulei de Clercq, Miri Rei, Augie Goupil, Spencer Charters, Alexander Leftwich, Ralph Remley, Harry Stubbs, Pierre Watkin, Jack Chapin, Pedro Regas, George Kaluna, Harry Field, George Herrera, Joe Molina, Manuella Kalili, Tony Urchel, Victor Wong, Lee Tung-Foo, Henry Roquemore, Ethel Clayton, Gloria Williams, David Newell, Emma Dunn, Nina Campana, Ray Kinney, Harry Vejar, Robert O'Connor, Lalo Encinas, Sojin Jr., Richard Terry, Alfonso Pedroza, Harry Tyler, Harold Entwistle監督:Frank Tuttleオリジナル言語:ENGディスク枚数:1コメント:Bing Crosby stars as press agent Tony Marvin whose job at a pineapple company is to turn Hawaii into pure paradise in the musical comedy Waikiki Wedding. Tony is tasked with escorting a beauty contest winner (Shirley Ross) and her friend (Martha Raye) on a tour of the islands. When Miss Pineapple finds herself bored, Tony must go to outrageous lengths to convince her to stay in Hawaii or else risk a public relations nightmare. Co-starring Bob Burns and Anthony Quinn, Waikiki Wedding features Bing singing Blue Hawaii and the Academy Award winning song Sweet Leilani.

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