
Arts to Intelligence【電子書籍】[ Doreen Galvin ]

Arts to Intelligence【電子書籍】[ Doreen Galvin ]
<p>Doreen Galvin's work in WWII was classified as "Top Secret" for at least 30 years after the cessation of hostilities. The atmosphere and events of the time, she wrote down many years later.</p>
<p>She relates personal wartime experiences such as the "Battle of Britain" contrasting that with 8 consecutive nights of the bombing of Liverpool, then the chasing of the German Battle Fleet on aerial photographs, and the near annihilation of a complete bomber squadron. She continues by telling of the ferrying, dropping and landing of secret agents from Britain into Occupied Europe. She describes the routine behind the night attacks of Lancaster bombers into the German heartland, and the first night attack of the flying bombs on the London area. The narrative varies from the traumatic to the lighthearted and humourous.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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