
Achievement Motivated Leadership Peace and Prosperity ????????????? … ???????? ? ??? ... ??????????【電子書籍】[ Thomas D. Darby ]

Achievement Motivated Leadership Peace and Prosperity ????????????? … ???????? ? ??? ... ??????????【電子書籍】[ Thomas D. Darby ]
<p>This intriguing novel uses an unusual method to present the lifestyle and political achievements of former President Paul Harvey Collins. The ex-president narrates the account of his career to presidential biographer Dylan Johnson.During their high school years, Paul and a friend take part in a civics class trip to the state legislature, but are dissatisfied with what they witness. They decide to enter politics to improve government efficiency. During their careers, they reduce the number and size of the haphazardly formed state and local governments, and support the merging of government departments.The result is a large decrease in the cost of government operations. Removing state House of Representatives reduces funding and increases effectiveness. Collins also improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the executive branch. His new constitution produces a unicameral federal government.Collins relates how senators are now elected from near equal population senate districts, making the Senate the most powerful branch of government. The President serves at the pleasure of the Senate. As democratic principles spread throughout the world, peace and prosperity follow.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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