
High Priestess of Pleasure【電子書籍】[ Chevoque ]

High Priestess of Pleasure【電子書籍】[ Chevoque ]
<p>Nafrini was sold to the Royals, when her father couldn't keep up with their taxes. He always used her to clear his gambling debt, but after ten years had passed it caught up with him. She was freed from his greedy power over her life.<br /> Nafrini was trained for a year to become a Royal Whore by Mert, 'the lover of silence'. She was to be sent to the Great Nebtawi Family, who ruled the Southern Kingdom. The Great Southern Pharaoh, Khaldun Nebtawi was to be her master if she was what he wanted. He was a kind ruler according to the Southern people of Egypt, but she feared what he would be, when the public's eyes weren't on him.<br /> She never knew any kindness from any man, but Mert taught her that Royals were different. Nafrini held onto the small promise, that one day she might be free from the clutches of her past.<br /> Her relationship with Khaldun grew into a forbidden love, but the monsters in her life, keeps her fighting to keep the only man that has ever showed her kindness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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