
The Personal Finance Handbook【電子書籍】[ Brian Kuhn ]

The Personal Finance Handbook【電子書籍】[ Brian Kuhn ]
<p>Successful financial planning requires specialized knowledgeーwithout which it’s easy to make costly mistakes.</p>
<p>CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM and author Brian Kuhn focuses on helping middle-income Americans reach their financial goals. His clear, straightforward advice makes The Personal Finance Handbook the perfect reference tool for anyone interested securing their future.</p>
<p>Kuhn reveals the importance of proper estate planning, how to approach investment and retirement savings, and how to maintain and improve your credit rating. You’ll also learn how to avoid identity theft and what to do if youーor your childーbecome a victim.</p>
<p>Designed with beginners in mind, The Personal Finance Handbook is like a monetary cookbookーpick it up whenever you need a recipe for financial success, whether you’re saving for college, in the market for a new car, or planning an investment strategy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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