
Cowboy Dressage Riding, Training, and Competing with Kindness as the Goal and Guiding Principle【電子書籍】[ Jessica Black ]

Cowboy Dressage Riding, Training, and Competing with Kindness as the Goal and Guiding Principle【電子書籍】[ Jessica Black ]
<p>The equestrian pursuit known as Cowboy Dressage melds the best of Western riding traditions and classical dressage in the pursuit of a harmonious relationship with a horse. Intended to be accessible to all, Cowboy Dressage is open to all breeds and all levels of riders; there isn’t a set frame for overall look, head carriage, or action.</p>
<p>Lifelong horsewoman Jessica Black traces the evolution of Cowboy Dressage back to its roots, sharing the story of Eitan and Debbie Beth-Halachmy and their phenomenal Morgan horses that have served as the movement’s ambassadors. Black then expertly weaves Eitan Beth-Halachmy's experience and expertise into an engaging and articulate explanation of the philosophy of Cowboy Dressage; defines the expectations of the rider; describes what a participant needs in terms of equipment; and explores how the most important element-the horse-should be prepared. A wonderful and thorough section on groundwork, as well as specific training advice for achieving engagement, regulating the gaits, smoothing transitions, and balancing bend and straightness, get the reader started with a solid foundation. Specific descriptions of the Cowboy Dressage tests are provided, with additional tools for those interested in competition, including rules, divisions, and how to execute and judge tests.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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