
Spring’s Wake【電子書籍】[ Aurora Rey ]

Spring’s Wake【電子書籍】[ Aurora Rey ]
<p>Nora Calhoun keeps her life just like her Provincetown B and B, neat and tidy. She’s thrilled when her niece Graham comes to stay with her while completing her graduate fieldwork aboard the Dolphin Fleet. She’s less than thrilled when Graham starts hanging out with Willa Lange, a sexy wanderer who works for the Fleet and seems to have her sights set on Graham.</p>
<p>At the encouragement of her sister Emerson, Will’s short stay in Ptown becomes a fresh start. She’s doing greatーa decent job, a place of her own, and new friends. But when she meets Nora, she finds herself pining for more. The only problem? Nora is fifteen years her senior and doesn’t like her. Can the women overcome past hurts and find love or will their affair leave battered hearts in its wake?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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