Does My Bomb Look Big in This?【電子書籍】[ Nyla Levy ]
<p>First conceived in 2016 after being cast in roles as a 'jihadi bride' or 'terrorist girlfriend' and generally dissatisfied with the narrative being told, Nyla Levy ran research workshops with school children and interviewed muslim community leaders as well as terrorism defence solicitor Tasnime Akunjee. The result voices the complexities of the choices made by disaffected youth, their vulnerability, and how the decisions made can changes lives, communities and countries forever.</p>
<p>With fierce wit and disarming honesty,
<em>Does My Bomb Look Big in This?</em> cleverly unveils a human story behind the headlines and questions how close or far we are from multicultural harmony.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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