
GOD End-time Updates The Bride of My Son【電子書籍】[ Anthony A Eddy ]

GOD End-time Updates The Bride of My Son【電子書籍】[ Anthony A Eddy ]
<p>“I, The Lord Jesus, beget The Will of The Father in the end-time leading into mercy and relief. I, The Lord Jesus, celebrate with The Father the coming wedding of The Lamb. I, The Lord Jesus, bring memories to the fore, bring images of recollection, bring the past into the present which still awaits the future. I, The Lord Jesus, will dress My church in glory as befits those enjoined with God, will dress My church in glory with the robes of The Lamb, with the salvation gowns of Life, with the gowns befitting the enrobing of The Kings and Queens of God. I, The Lord Jesus, know the Father’s interest in all that is said and done, in all that is carried and developed, in all which is polished anew within the sunlight of the morning and the moonlight of the dusk. ...The wisdom of the centuries has been nurtured in the heavens, has been kept undefiled, is shared with man upon a prayer request: which can prove to be a landmark in the life of man. The wisdom of the centuries is often obvious when spoken, raises eyebrows at the thoughts revealed, silences while matters are considered as to the best way forward. The wisdom of the centuries is a gift from God, is an enlightening of speech, is the summation of the best, is the containment of the worst, is the victory of expression. The wisdom of the centuries is an expansion of vocabulary. ...”</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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