
Bound to the Saxon Lord【電子書籍】[ Deborah Dickey ]

Bound to the Saxon Lord【電子書籍】[ Deborah Dickey ]
<p>Lady Rosamund vividly recalls the day Norman soldiers raided her home, killed her father and seized the Wodnesfeld Estate. She and her childhood friend, the outlaw Saxon rebel Aethelric, are determined to thwart Lord Dunstan and his confidant Lord Leofwine’s efforts for peace. They hatch a treacherous plan that results in both men being sent to the White Tower prison, charged for a crime they didn’t commit.</p>
<p>When Dunstan’s brother Morcar arrives to defend them against their Norman prosecutors, he reveals that Rosamund is not only a deceitful liar; she’s also a rebel spy. All they have to do to be released is to expose her to the king. Surprisingly, both lords object to endangering Rosamund. However, Morcar ignores their wishes and soon both men are set free.</p>
<p>The king’s affection for her leads him to decide that the two will marry, return to Dunstan’s home, and thus, she will become his problem. And so Rosamund and Dunstan are married by royal decree. Will the mutual attraction they share be strong enough to overcome Rosamund’s betrayal? Can he ever trust her again? Will she choose love over vengeance?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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