Our Lady of the Various Sorrows【電子書籍】[ Victoria Raschke ]
<p>What she gets is a secretive local ghost and a visit from an ex-lover who is nothing but bad newsーbad news Jo is going to have to deal with immediately.</p>
<p>Her appearance as a new Voice of the Dead, has reignited an old war between ancient gods with human faces and humans who wish to be as powerful as the gods. Jo and her son are right on the battle lines and who their allies are has become very unclear.</p>
<p>Jo soon realizes her role in this war is more determined than she’d ever imagined and that she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice to save those she loves most.</p>
<p>Previously published by Griffyn Ink.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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