
A New Jersey Love Story Troy & Camilla【電子書籍】[ Myiesha Myiesha ]

A New Jersey Love Story Troy & Camilla【電子書籍】[ Myiesha Myiesha ]
<p>Motivated and more determined than ever to beat the odds and finish school, 23-year-old Camilla Baxter finds out that her mother is diagnosed with cancer. Feeling obligated to her mother, she drops out of school to help take care of her. When she enrolled back into Kean University, she had lost her scholarship and is forced to pay her way through her last year. So she gets a job at Ladies' Oasis working for 32-year-old club owner, Troy Jones. Troy is instantly drawn in by Camilla’s initially soft but spunky personality. But it's the firecracker, "itchy trigger-finger" Camilla that he can’t live without. Troy, a club owner by day and a hitman by night, has some demons of his own that he needs to get rid of before he and Camilla can actually live the happy life that he has planned for them, but getting rid of these demons turns out to be his biggest downfall and it almost leads to him losing it all.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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