
Creating Community-Led and Self-Build Homes A Guide to Collaborative Practice in the UK【電子書籍】[ Field, Martin ]

Creating Community-Led and Self-Build Homes A Guide to Collaborative Practice in the UK【電子書籍】[ Field, Martin ]
<p>In Creating Community-Led and Self-Build Homes, Martin Field explores the ways in which people and communities across the UK have been striving to create the homes and neighbourhood communities they want. Giving context to contemporary practices in the UK, the book examines ‘self-build housing’ and ‘community-led housing’, discussing the commonalities and distinctions between these in practice, and what could be learned from other initiatives across Europe. Individual methods and models of local practice are explored - including cohousing, cooperatives, community land trusts, empty homes and other intentional communities - and an examination is made of what has constrained such initiatives to date and how future policies and practice might be shaped.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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