
Michael Abbensetts: Four Plays Sweet Talk; Alterations; In the Mood; El Dorado【電子書籍】[ Michael Abbensetts ]

Michael Abbensetts: Four Plays Sweet Talk; Alterations; In the Mood; El Dorado【電子書籍】[ Michael Abbensetts ]
<p><strong>Features the plays
<em>Sweet talk,</em>
<em>In the Mood</em>and<em>El Dorado</em></strong></p>
<p>Michael Abbensetts is the writer who gave Caribbeans a real voice in Britain.
***Sweet talk***is a witty, energetic and finally moving account of a marriage in crisis.
<em><strong>Alterations</strong></em> is a comedy set in a tailor's shop, inspired by a real visit to a small room off Carnaby Street where two black tailors had set up shop with just two sewing machines and an ironing board.
<em><strong>In the Mood</strong></em> focuses on two Caribbean Second World War veterans, whose nostalgic Remembrance Sunday lunch is disrupted by a visit from their frivolour and irritating friend, in search of a loan and as many free drinks as he can get his hands on.
<em><strong>El Dorado</strong></em> turns its attention to a mixed-race, middle class family interred in their formerly grand but now dilapidated house. A grandson returns home to lay some ghosts to bed, and gains an alarming insight into the truths of home life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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