
Broken Communication An Immortal Ops World Book【電子書籍】[ Mandy M. Roth ]

Broken Communication An Immortal Ops World Book【電子書籍】[ Mandy M. Roth ]
<p>Genetically altered into a super soldier who can shift into a wolf, Casey Black should have been the perfect assetーbut that wasn’t to be. The scientists who conducted DNA splicing experiments on him put a little too much wolf in his cocktail. Considered a danger to society and a risk to the survival of the secret project, the government tried to eliminate him. The former Immortal Operative has spent the majority of his life on the run and off the grid from the very government who’d helped him be ‘all he could be’. When the sassy, headstrong woman who makes his body burn with need vanishes, he realizes it’s not his head, but rather his heart that is broken. And he’ll do whatever is called for to mend it.</p>
<p>“Mandy M. Roth is a phenomenal talent. I know every time I pick one up I’m in for a great adventure full of laughter, camaraderie, and sexy romance. I’ve been a fan of the Immortal Ops since that first book came out 15 years ago, and am still begging her for more.” --Michelle M. Pillow, New York Times bestselling author (2022)</p>
<p>“Mandy M Roth is a true master of her craft! Her breathtaking stories sweep me up, mesmerize and leave me desperate for more. She is my drug of choice!” -- Gena Showalter, New York Times Bestselling Author</p>
<p>“Roth writes from the heart, and her characters and worlds are guaranteed to suck the reader in and hold them hostage until the very last page!”--Yasmine Galenorn, NY Times Bestselling Author</p>
<p>“Mandy M. Roth is my new addictionーone I will not give up. Her books are like potato chips. One is never enough! Smexy, smart and loaded with heart pounding action! READ HER. For real.”ー Robyn Peterman, NYT and USA Today bestselling author</p>
<p>"The perfect mix of sizzling romance and heart-pounding action. If you like your heroes smoking hot…and not quite human, you can’t go wrong with a Mandy M. Roth book."ー Laurie London, NYT and USA Today bestselling author</p>
<p>“Roth has the kind of characters and books that leave you hungry for more and stay with you long after the last page is read. One word sums up her writing style-addictive!”--Shannon Mayer, USA TODAY Bestselling Author</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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