
The Write Path 2020【電子書籍】[ NAWG Publishing ]

The Write Path 2020【電子書籍】[ NAWG Publishing ]
<p>The Write Path 2020 contains all of the winning entries from the 2020 National Association of Writers and Groups members-only competitions, along with all of the judges' comments. The 2020 anthology includes contributions from Michael Parris, Lesley James, David Potter, Vivien Leanne Saunders, Christine L Lowes, Tansy Hepton, Carol Mogano, Raman John Cook, Alison Ringrose, Masami Hirata-Smith, Carol Hurley, Emma Finlayson-Palmer, Lynda Turner, Vivien Brown, Susan Clark, Natasha Derczynski, Elizabeth Woodgate, Emma Melville, Denise McSheehy, Alison Allen, Barbara Hickson and Shirley Cook.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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