
Purely Sinful【電子書籍】[ Rozalin Rose ]

Purely Sinful【電子書籍】[ Rozalin Rose ]
<p>Detective Cole Harvey was hot on the trail of a sex trade organization based in Chicago when he encountered something no one could have expected. A succubus; a demon who takes the form of a stunningly beautiful woman and preys on the souls of weak willed men. As intimidating as she is sexy, the demon offers Cole a deal: bring her corrupt individuals to feed upon and she will help him find the person responsible for his wife's brutal murder. Catching this killer is a case that has eluded him for a haunting two years. Could Cole trust the sexy succubus? Or would he end up becoming another lost soul for the centuries old demon to consume?
*The following material contains graphic sexual material meant for mature audiences and are high in volume per overall word count. Some sexual material is extreme, difficult, or controversial and is not for the faint of heart.*</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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