
Forever Broken Mafia kingpin【電子書籍】[ Eve Scouts ]

Forever Broken Mafia kingpin【電子書籍】[ Eve Scouts ]
<p>He adored Bella; she was the lady for him; he had always desired a homely woman, and Bella provided that as well as beauty.<br /> Bella was a girl any guy would fall for, with eyes as delicate as a flower and skin as smooth and light as a feather. He assumed Bella felt the same way he did, so he invited her to supper at his house to get confirmation.</p>
<p>She liked Timothy, but he was more serious-minded than any other she had met; she had observed him and knew he was looking for something serious, and she wasn't ready for that. She remembered Rotcho; she liked him because he was the party guy who was never serious about anything, and it was exactly what she needed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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