
Women in Leadership Excelling in Organizations【電子書籍】[ Sally S. N. Adukwu-Bolujoko ]

Women in Leadership Excelling in Organizations【電子書籍】[ Sally S. N. Adukwu-Bolujoko ]
<p>Driving women's leadership energy is an important focus for 21st century workplace. It is time to cultivate the leadership of women in decision making. Effectiveness in today's work environment requires constant creativity and innovation, and surviving competition depends on how these are deployed. All these rest on the workforce - the decision makers. Including more women in organizational leadership will be innovative and will bring improvements in interpersonal relationships and productivity.</p>
<p>Women make up about half of the world's population and are effective at making decisions that affect their gender. They understand the dynamic roles gender play in the society and how it interacts with other aspects of life. The different nature women bring to bear upon workplace activities is interesting and nurturing. This researched work brings you to real women and men in organizational leadership talking about work life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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