
The Way to God and How to Find It【電子書籍】[ Dwight L. Moody ]

The Way to God and How to Find It【電子書籍】[ Dwight L. Moody ]
<p>There is life in Christ. Rich, joyous, wonderful life. It is true that the Lord disciplines those whom He loves and that we are often tempted by the world and our enemy, the devil. But if we know how to go beyond that temptation to cling to the cross of Jesus Christ and keep our eyes on our Lord, our reward both here on earth and in heaven will be 100 times better than what this world has to offer.This book is thorough. It brings to life the love of God, examines the state of the unsaved individual's soul, and analyzes what took place on the cross for our sins. The Way to God takes an honest look at our need to repent and follow Jesus and gives hope for unending, joyous eternity in heaven.Dwight L. Moody was redirected into full-time ministry. Today, Moody’s name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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