
Eternal Glory【電子書籍】[ Linda Fausnet ]

Eternal Glory【電子書籍】[ Linda Fausnet ]
<p>She’s a ghost hunter.</p>
<p>He died in battle more than two centuries ago.</p>
<p>Silas Murphy is thrilled when a beautiful young woman visits the Yorktown Battlefield searching for spirits. He’s more than happy to oblige, fading into view before her eyes. To his delight, she shows no trace of fear.</p>
<p>Kendrick Banner has been obsessed with ghosts since the tragic death of her twin brother, Kurt. She yearns for proof of life after death, needing to believe Kurt isn’t really gone and that she might see him again.</p>
<p>Silas and Kendrick remain on the battlefield talking for hours about life and death and everything in between. They share the instant connection of true soulmates. Soon, the two become inseparable as Kendrick visits him almost daily.</p>
<p>But they can only be inseparable for so long...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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