
Utkuhiksalingmiut Uqauhiitigut Dictionary of Utkuhiksalingmiut Inuktitut Postbase Suffixes【電子書籍】[ Jean L. Briggs ]

Utkuhiksalingmiut Uqauhiitigut Dictionary of Utkuhiksalingmiut Inuktitut Postbase Suffixes【電子書籍】[ Jean L. Briggs ]
<p>Utkuhiksalingmiut Uqauhiitigut Uqauhiliurut: Dictionary of Utkuhiksalingmiut Inuktitut Postbase Suffixes is a dictionary of word-forming suffixes that documents the Inuktitut dialect spoken by the Utkuhiksalingmiut people of the central Canadian Arctic. This dictionary is the first of two Utkuhiksalingmiut dictionaries that the authors intend to produce. The second will be a wordbase dictionary, consisting of simple words formed on all of the bases (roots) found in Jean Briggs's extensive research database of Utkuhiksalingmiut words. This volume, the postbase dictionary, lists the suffixes used to form words in Inuktitut. An Inuktitut word often contains as much information as an English sentence, and an understanding of how postbase suffixes are used to form these longer words is essential to a full understanding of the Inuit language. Through complex real-life examples and detailed notes, this dictionary aims to show the richness of how postbases are used in the Utkuhiksalingmiut dialect.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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