Through the Looking Glass: A Citizen's Do-It-Yourself Guide to Climate Science【電子書籍】[ Paul MacRae ]
<p>Readers can check for themselvesーhence a 'do-it-yourself' guideーthat temperature readings of the last seventy years do not correlate with the increase in carbon-dioxide levels, with the result that climate models consistently over-predict 'global warming'. In other words, carbon dioxide is not the 'control knob' of climate, as climate scientists and politicians wish us to believe.</p>
<p>Why has climate science strayed so far from reality? Because climate science is not traditional evidence-based science, as we are told. It is 'post-normal' science, based on 'consensus' and faulty computer models, both highly politicized to create a scary 'global warming' story for the public. But if carbon dioxide is not the 'control knob' of climate, then the trillions of dollars spent to stop 'global warming' by drastically reducing the use of fossil fuels will have almost no effect in lowering global temperatures. But the damage to our economic system will make us all poorer and less able to adapt to the weather events and climate changes that do occurーand have always occurred.</p>
<p>We, as citizens of democracies, can meekly accept this reduction of our lifestyles, based on highly politicized 'post-normal' science.<br /> Or, with the more balanced understanding of climate science this book provides, we can take political actionーhence a 'citizen's guide'ーto stop the 'global-warming' bandwagon before it takes us to a future that is poorer, less democratic, perhaps even totalitarian. The choice is ours.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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