
The Terrorist A Thriller【電子書籍】[ Peter Steiner ]

The Terrorist A Thriller【電子書籍】[ Peter Steiner ]
<p>The War on Terror has serious consequences, even for Louis Morgon, even in his small, not quite forgotten French village. When he learns that a misguided CIA campaign has led to the arrest and extreme rendition of Zaharia, who has been like a son to him, Louis is determined to find a real terrorist to exchange for the boy. His body may be failing, but his mind is still nimble. It better be. He has to play a double game navigating the dangerous no-man's land between the CIA and Al Qaeda, turning up old scorpions who, like Louis, would rather be left alone.</p>
<p>His quest takes him to Algiers, Cairo, the slums of Paris and finally New Jersey. He makes some sinister enemies. But he also assembles an unlikely collection of friends and allies, including a
<em>bona fide</em> al Qaeda terrorist, some gang-bangers in Newark, and a dog named Buster. And he even finds love along the way.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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