
Sweet Masturbation, Tears In The End【電子書籍】[ Emmanuel Enchia ]

Sweet Masturbation, Tears In The End【電子書籍】[ Emmanuel Enchia ]
<p>This powerful ebook is going to blow your mind completely.</p>
<p>This ebook teaches you everything you are supposed to know about masturbation.</p>
<p>Understanding the Reasons Why People Masturbate, Common Myths, Masturbation Facts, My Masturbation Story/Secret, Benefits, How to Stop Masturbating, a lot of secrets you Don't Know, others masturbation stories and their addictions and the major Effects of Masturbation" concludes with an in-depth discussion of this intimate part of human sexuality.</p>
<p>We will examine the many reasons people masturbate, the benefits, strategies for quitting, and the adverse effects of masturbation throughout the book.</p>
<p>.<br /> This eBook also includes helpful advice on how to stop masturbating, acknowledging that cutting back or stopping this behavior can be a personal choice impacted by unique objectives, values, and well-being. For those trying to change their masturbation patterns, strategies like self-awareness, goal-setting that is realistic, finding alternate activities, and getting support have been recommended as useful tools.</p>
<p>We will also look into the immediate and long-term implications of masturbation. While there are immediate benefits like pleasure, relaxation, a better mood, and self-awareness, it's crucial to remember that excessive or compulsive masturbation can also have long-term negative effects like difficulties in relationships, emotional anguish, or disruptions in everyday life. Maintaining a healthy balance in one's sexual expression and general well-being requires recognizing and resolving these impacts.</p>
<p>This eBook intends to enable people to make knowledgeable judgments about their own sexual practices by encouraging, understanding, and offering helpful advice. This promotes a sense of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and control.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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