≪パーカーポイント 94点!≫

≪蔵出し!≫サンセール『サウレタス』 [2011] 750ml セバスチャン・リフォー

≪蔵出し!≫サンセール『サウレタス』 [2011] 750ml セバスチャン・リフォー
リトアニア語で「太陽の下」という意味でキンメリジャンで育つ樹齢50年の貴腐菌が付いたブドウ5割と熟したブドウ5割をプレス、ステンレスタンクで3 ヶ月発酵後、古樽で36 ヶ月熟成しました。
ソーヴィニヨンブラン100%(手摘み/平均50年) (貴腐ブドウ50%・熟したブドウ50%) 古樽で36 ヶ月熟成 無濾過・無清澄SO2無添加 トータル:7mg/L※ワインは、澱があり、そして濁っております。
2011年の『サンセール・サウレタス』は、ピンクがかった透明なオレンジ色で、熟した核果とトロピカルな香りが土っぽい香りと混ざり合った濃厚なブーケがあり、後にはホワイト ヌガー、マスタード、ジンジャー、ブリオッシュ入りのマンゴー/アプリコット チャツネも感じられます。
≪パーカーポイント 94点!≫ 2011 Domaine Etienne et Sebastien Riffault Sancerre Sauletas The Wine Advocate RP 94 Reviewed by:Stephan Reinhardt Release Price:NA Drink Date:2023 - 2034 From very low-yielding (20 hectoliters per hectare) vines averaging 50 years old and planted on terres blanches (calcaire Kimmeridgien), the 2011 Sancerre Sauletas was hand-picked with 50% botrytis and aged for two years in stainless steel and another year in old oak barrels. It exhibits a clear orange color with a pink hue and an intense bouquet that intermingles ripe stone fruit and tropical notes with earthy aromas and, later, also white nougat, mango/apricot chutney with mustard, ginger and brioche. This is fascinating straight from the bottle! Silky, fresh, refined and very elegant on the palate, this is a full-bodied, concentrated, fiery, sustainably intense and firmly structured Sancerre with an impressively intense finish that is textural, reminiscent of Pinot Noir, and flavorful with notes of dried and stewed apricots. It was bottled straight from the vat, without assemblage, filtration or the addition of SO2 at any time. This is pure fermented grape juice that I tasted over five days during which the wine remained stable, vital, very complex and spectacularly long. Doubtlessly a great, powerful, rich and hedonistic (natural) wine that unites white and red wine lovers and, as such, a fantastic Sancerre for sommeliers to find the right match. Tasted in February 2021. This domaine is pushing the boundaries of the Sancerre Appellation. Thus, I find it impressive that the officials accept the natural wine style of Sebastien Riffault within the Appellation d’Origine Protegee (AOP), whereas in many other regions of the Loire Valley, producers are either forced to label their wines as Vin de France or they chose this origin voluntary in order to save trouble with the AOP officials. Wine lovers should not expect a standard Sancerre if they order a Riffault, which has been produced organically since 2004 and according to biodynamic principles for several years now. Of the wines I have tasted for this little report, three were from my private wine library while the others were sourced from a Berlin wine shop. Les Quarterons is the only wine of the lineup that contains added sulfur, though not more than 10 milligrams per liter. While this wine ages in barrels for two years, the others spend up to three years in oak. Coming from old vines, these Sancerres are based on partly botrytized grapes, whose share can be up to 50%. This sounds weird? However, Riffault aims for Sancerre in its pure and original form, so it's not his wines that are different but that all the others are, he might argue. Farmed near the hamlet of Sury-en-Vaux, Sebastien has given his vineyards and wines names in the native language of his Lithuanian wife. The domaine of his father, Etienne and Sebastien Riffault is a member of the Association des Vins Naturels and of the group Renaissance des Appellations founded by Nicolas Joly. I can only highly recommend tasting the wines. Their fine phenolic structure makes these serious gastronomic wines that shouldn't be served too cold?13 degrees to 15 degrees Celsius is a good temperature for me. Published: Mar 19, 2021

5,940円(税込) 送料別 詳細・購入はこちら
